Contly AI
|1 min read


The 5 biggest mistakes you can make in SEO and how to avoid them

This will get you penalized and demoted so much your domain will never recover

1. Keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a common mistake that many make. The proper way to use keywords is to:

  • Include your main keyword in the H1 heading
  • Use it naturally in the first paragraph
  • Avoid stuffing secondary keywords throughout the content

While this may seem obvious, there's way too many people obviously doing this and then they wonder why it's not performing.

2. Over-Optimizing Anchor Text

Remember this when building backlinks.

Having 90% of your anchor text use the exact same keyword is a clear signal to Google that you're trying to manipulate rankings.

Natural link profiles have much more variety in their anchor text.

Purchasing backlinks in bulk from sites like Fiverr is one of the fastest ways to get penalized by Google.

You should focus on the quality of your backlinks.

Quality > Quantity

Use traditional methods to build backlinks.

Or try this.

4. Using Private Blog Networks (PBNs)

Google's algorithm is getting smarter every day.

PBNs are tempting because they give you a traffic boost.

But it's not worth the risk.

It only takes a few months for Google to catch up and they'll permanently penalize you.

5. Creating Low-Value AI Content

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big advocate for AI content.

But flooding the internet with AI content that provides no real value will only hurt your SEO efforts.

Focus on creating helpful and informative content, no matter who writes it.

Either add human touch to your blog posts or feed the AI writing the post with valuable content on the topic.

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