Contly AI
|3 min read


How to do pSEO for your startup

Learn the exact strategies and steps to do pSEO for your startup

pSEO is very different to other strategies you see in the SEO space.

I'll quickly break down how it works and show you a few examples so you can really see what it looks like when put to practice.

How it works

pSEO works by creating a lot pages programatically. (with code)

To really use it for your startup, you need to have something I call a "pSEO opportunity".

Here's how you can spot one:

  1. There's a dynamic variable that can be swapped out, e.g. "photoshoot in [city]"
  2. People commonly search for different variations
  3. You can generate unique and valuable content for each variation, no copy and paste

Just take a look at the example above and ask yourself how many cities are there in the world?

This is exactly where the power of pSEO comes from. And you don't need to keep it location based. Let's say that you have a website that shows a lot of stock images. You could categorize those and you could create a page for each category. How many categories is there? Endless.

How to make sure you pSEO strategy works

So there's many people who are trying to do pSEO. So how do you make sure that you do it right and beat all the competition?

Just like with normal SEO content, you do this by making it better. There's a slight difference though. You can't do tweaks to make it better manually. We're creating the pages with code and ideally at a big scale. So how do we do this in an automated fashion?

Our page will consist of:

  • main content (the thing that we just swap out based on the variable)
  • title
  • additional content (descriptions, images, etc)

In addition to just swapping out the main content, we need to generate a title and some additional content to make the page more unique.

Here's an example so you know what I mean:

Example page

The title and additional content can be AI-generated. Place the main keyword in the title and a few secondary keywords in the additional content. Make sure to not overstuff it. Remember that the page doesn't have to look like this 100% of the time, the used elements can be different but it should roughly resemble this.

Real working pSEO examples

Here's some real pSEO examples that bring in a lot of traffic.

1. LandingFolio

LandingFolio is a website that shows the best landing pages for different industries. They have an pSEO opportunity in the form of "[industry] landing pages".


2. Nomads shows you the best digital nomad destination. They have an SEO opportunity in the form of "cost of living in [city]" and similar search queries.


3. Lumenor

This website generates AI stock images. It then categorizes them and creates a page for each category.



That's about it.

pSEO isn't complicated but you need to find a good opportunity.

Check out our guide on SEO keyword research

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