Contly AI
|2 min read


How to convert organic traffic to revenue

Improving conversion rate alone won't save you

Good traffic but no revenue?

Always the same story.

A lot of traffic, but no revenue.


Most people try improving their conversion rate only to find out that's not the problem.

There's a completely different and a bigger problem they have to solve first.

They failed keyword research.

The problem

The reason that traffic is not converting is because you're not targeting high buyer intent keywords.

Take a look at the keywords you're currently ranking for and ask yourself:

Would anyone who's searching for this actually buy my product?

If the answer is no or very little then continue reading because I'll show you how to fix it.

1. How to get traffic to your site

We need to find keywords that our customers actually search for.

I like to categorize these into:

  • Commercial intent

  • Informational intent

Both of them need a different approach.

Commercial buyer intent keywords

Commercial keywords are those that people search right before buying.

They are the most powerful because all it takes is to give them proof that your product is better and they'll purchase.

The most common format is:

  • "best [product] alternative"

  • "[competitor 1] vs [competitor 2]"

  • "[product] alternatives"

Here's a world class example from Beehiiv: Beehiiv vs Substack

Beehiiv vs Susbstack

You comparison pages need to be better than your competitor's.

Take a look at how well the page is structured.

You have to position your product as a better product without making misleading claims about your competitor.

Remember to optimize for humans first, for search engines second.

Any modern tool such as Ahrefs or Semrush will do for this task.

Informational buyer intent keywods

Informational keywords don't have such high buyer intent.

Doesn't mean they are not good.

Think about it if someone sees that you're creating free valuable content they'll naturally be curious to see what your service is about.

So your blog helps you by:

  • Bringing traffic through the individual posts

  • Building topical authority for your website

The second part is important.

You need to create a lot of content inside your niche and Google will see you as an expert.

And that boosts the ranking of your other pages.

You'll do just fine with AI blog posts.

This is a blog I've started recently:

Search console

And it's all AI content.

Not a line of it was written by hand.

2. Converting traffic to revenue

If you did the previous section correctly than you should have relevant people landing on your page.

Most people are too scared to place aggressive CTAs on their page.

The guy is literally looking for a solution!

So don't be afraid and place at least 3 CTAs on the page:

  • CTA that is always visible

  • CTA that appears in the middle of content (you can have multiple)

  • CTA popup if a person stays long enough on your page

This way you make sure that people that are on the edge of trying your service actually try it.

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