Contly AI
|2 min read


How they got their startup to 1M backlinks

It's actually easier than you think

Yes, I know.

It sounds crazy.

And the crazier part is they didn't do any traditional boring link building.

The link building worked fully on autopilot.

Let me tell you a bit about them.

Who's Crayo?

Incase you haven't heard about them.

They're a software company that helps people create short form videos.

Those brainrot splitscreen videos you see everywhere on Tiktok, Youtube, etc.

crayo landing page

How SEO solved itself for them

So their main marketing strategy was affiliates.

If you're not aware:

affiliate program = you pay people a percentage of the revenue for customers they bring in

You probably know that affiliates work great if done right.

But you probably didn't know the association to SEO.

The way this whole system works is:

  1. Affiliate signs up

  2. They receive a special affiliate link

Get it now?

They are basically paid to share a link to your website.

So they'll probably share it all over social media, add it to their personal website and build links for you.

How can I setup affiliates?

You'll need some software to manage this for you:

All of the above are great options.

The most popular for SaaS is probably Tolt.

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